
Mostrando postagens de junho, 2015

Turbine sua placa Raspberry Pi!


Vem aí a 1ª feira de Drones do Brasil. Inscrições abertas

28 e 29 de outrubro de 2015 - Centro de Convenções Frei Caneca - São Paulo -SP DroneShow lança site e abre inscrições! Já está disponível a nova página DroneShow! Com navegação simplificada e um visual moderno, o site traz conteúdos em primeira mão sobre o universo dos drones, além de destacar tudo que vai rolar no primeiro evento de drones do Brasil! Saiba já todos os temas e a programação do DroneShow 2015, nos dias 28 e 29 de Outubro! Leia mais Associações e empresas reforçam o time da DroneShow!

Discover the Tektronix File-based Validation Suite

Discover the Tektronix File-based Validation Suite The fastest and most scalable automated File-based QC solution on the market The volume of file-based content is ever-rising, with the ongoing migration towards file-based workflows and the increased adoption of multi-screen and OTT media services.  Along with this surge in content comes the challenge of ensuring viewers receive the best Quality of Experience, irrespective of viewing device. Discover how our File-based Validation Suite (Aurora, Hydra and Autofix) offers the "Best in Class" solution for fast, scalable File-based Quality  Control. Find OUT MORE AND/OR REQUEST A TRIAL DEMO PS:

Processadores iMX6 Freescale


Top 5: Electrically Conductive Adhesives

    June 2015 Supreme 10HTS: One Part, Silver Epoxy Is NASA Approved One component, silver conductive, Supreme 10HTS is a user friendly epoxy system featuring a low volume resistivity of <0 .006="" 10hts="" 4k="" and="" as="" br="" cycling="" formulated="" from="" fully="" is="" it="" low="" mechanical="" meets="" nasa="" ohm-cm.="" outgassing="" rigorous="" serviceable="" shocks.="" specifications.="" supreme="" thermal="" to=""