
Mostrando postagens de agosto, 2018

[Winmate Newsletter] Android 7.0 Now Available on E500RM8, M700DM8, M101M8

Published on 30 Aug, 2018 Android 7.0 Now Available on E500RM8, M700DM8, M101M8 The Android 7.0 rollout for Winmate products continues with its release on the 5-inch handheld PDA E500RM8, in addition to the previous release for the 7 and 10.1-inch rugged tablets M700DM8 and M101M8. How to buy Contact us Want to learn more More Newsletters G...

Prism camera technology and the impact of scattered light

The MVPro Newsletter Dear Colleague Check out the latest news from the machine vision sector, including: prism camera technology helping to achieve superior color image quality; the underestimation of the impact of scattered light on the performance of vision systems; MVTec planning its 20th visit to VISION; Multipix Imaging becomes member of the AMRC; and, EyeVision now supports handheld scanner. 1. The impact of scattered light on the performance of vision systems is often underestimated Which is why ACM Coatings want you to visit their booth at Vision 2018. 2. MVTec celebrates 20th VISION We talk to MVTec’s Head of Sales Gerhard Wagner about their approach to the sector’s premier event. 3. JAI white paper How does prism camera technology help to achieve superior colour image quality? ...

Palestra online: Resultados do Reajustamento da Rede Altimétrica pelo IBGE

Webinar  com inscrição aberta: Resultados do Reajustamento da Rede Altimétrica Brasileira em Números Geopotenciais e Altitudes Normais Para detalhar os Resultados do Reajustamento da Rede Altimétrica Brasileira em Números Geopotenciais e Altitudes Normais, realizado recentemente pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), será realizado um webinar nessa sexta-feira (31/8) às 10h (hora de Brasília) com apresentação do Engenheiro Cartógrafo Roberto Texeira Luz e da Engenheira Agrimensora Jéssica Caroline dos Santos Siqueira, ambos do IBGE. A necessidade de modernização do sistema de referência vertical brasileiro, em consonância com as recomendações científicas pertinentes do SIRGAS, aliada à importância da divulgação de altitudes com significado físico, resultou na decisão de se realizar um novo ajustamento da...

New White Paper: DMR Tier III - Next Generation of LMR Technology

FREE DOWNLOAD Download Our Free White Paper on Trunked DMR Our free White Paper looks at how mission-critical...

Embedded Intel® Solutions Monthly Report: Tackling Sophisticated Cyberattacks Head On

Website | News | White Papers | Videos | Events | Blogs | Products | Subscribe | Advertise Embedded Intel® Solutions Monthly Report August 2018 TOP STORY Tackling Sophisticated Cyberattacks Head On How open hardware architecture and platform scalability are bringing 100G+ detection and prevention into the IoT era.Meeting New Challenges for Detection and ...  (more) VersaLogic Corporation ...