Watch your variables live

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This is a regular email from your friends at Atollic designed to help you
get the most out of TrueSTUDIO development tools for ARM.
Hi Developer,
If you are like most embedded developers the debugging phase is one of the most critical parts of your job. And debugging is the area where good tools can make a significant difference.
For decades, debuggers have supported the run-stop-step model of debugging. While that model may have its place, its major limitation is that you need to stop execution. Wouldn't it be better if you could look inside the system as it executes? Wouldn't you find it incredibly useful to be able to watch certain variable values "live" as the system runs at full speed.
With a Cortex-M-based microcontroller and the right JTAG debug probe and debugger, this is possible. Not only is this incredibly useful when debugging, many development teams tell us they use it during the testing phase to, for example, monitor the X-,Y- and Z- axis movements of a turning milling machine, or to monitor A/D converter sensor values live as some measurement device is tested.
To learn how you can watch variable values live in TrueSTUDIO Pro, read this blog post.
 The monitoring and visualization capability is built using background polling and supports complex data structures like arrays, structs, etc. It also supports automatic calculations on the live variable values, for example by showing the result of  "Index*4+Temperature" live. 
A somewhat similar capability (with different pros and cons) can also be built using Serial Wire Viewer (SWV) data event tracing. Atolic TrueSTUDIO Pro supports that too, but you will have to wait for another email to learn more about that.
Stay tuned for more tips and tricks next week!

The TrueSTUDIO product team

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