Mr. Green's Efficiency Watch - October 2017

Mr. Green says...
Welcome to the latest installment of Efficiency Watch. This issue starts with news of a California Energy Commission (CEC) webinar that covers the fundamentals of the appliance efficiency standards program. We detail the strategy of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for revising Version 6.1 of the ENERGY STAR® computer specification, then report on calls by the EPA for early input on a revision to its ENERGY STAR Audio/Video (A/V) program specification. We conclude with news of workshops for the next phase of California’s efficiency regulations. As always, if you have any questions or comments, or would like me to report on a specific regulation, please feel free to email me.

In this issue:

California Offers Help in Understanding Title 20 Efficiency Regulations
CA Energy CommissionHaving problems understanding the ins and outs of California’s Title 20 Appliance Efficiency Regulations? Help is on the way. The California Energy Commission (CEC) has released an on-demand webinar covering the fundamentals of the state’s appliance efficiency standards program. Read more.

EPA Releases Revision Draft of Computer Efficiency Spec
The EPA has unveiled its strategy for revising Version 6.1 of the ENERGY STAR® computer specification. The specification details minimum efficiency requirements for desktop, notebook, and portable all-in-one computers, tablets, workstations, and thin clients. Read more.

Input Requested for ENERGY STAR Audio/Video Spec Revision
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is seeking early input on a revision to its ENERGY STAR® Audio/Video (A/V) program specification. Get involved.

Workshops Announced for Next Phase of California Efficiency Regulations
The California Energy Commission (CEC) moves closer this month to developing amendments to the state’s Title 20 Appliance Efficiency Regulation. Learn more.

Late Breaking News:
Check out energy efficiency news that was breaking as this issue was being finalized. Read more.

October 2017

Mr Green's Blog


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